
Kuzodians, Pt 3

Chapter 3 ISo very near the goal. One more was all it would take. It had proved so easy.Very few people could resist. Certainly not the very young. They were so trusting and… compliant. It would be better to wait.No.Now. II Pale silver light from the full moon shone through the shutters, striping his bedding


A coming-of-age narrative in bitesize chunks. Suitable for short journeys. May contain nuts, love and death and an ever increasing population of white mice.

Hello Farewell Transmission

Only 3 months after they were on the show. The Farewell Transmission session. No Transmissions were harmed in the making of these videos.

It’s slow work…

… but someone’s got to do it. You should all slow down…it’s good for you and it’s good for your bank account too! Here is a local accounting firm who are firmly, but gently, ahead in reducing to increase. How could slowing down speed up success in your job/life?

Kuzodians, pt 2

Chapter 2 I A pair of fins tore parallel silver wakes through the smooth surface of the Garonne. She caught a glimpse of two sleek grey bodies before they dipped below the surface of the wide body of water, only to appear fifty metres upriver, arching simultaneously, each dorsal spraying diamond droplets into the brilliant

Shaffordable Goldtop 21001

No neck pickup, no pickup selector, no tone control. One DiMarzio Superdistortion humbucker and a volume knob. Try getting clean sound from any amp. No, you can’t. You’re welcome. Made in Japan. Gold colour. Once careful owner.


by Sadim Chelwood Chapter 1 La Boivre, Poitiers, Old France 2731 CE I It would be happening soon and she would be watching. Watching and recording. The girl known as Tyr-10 shifted her weight more evenly between her forearms, carefully flattening the long grass in front of her to optimise the view of the tiny


They said you couldn’t have a pedalboard made from an old skateboard until Glibstuff made one.